This one is one of the typical snacks from Indonesia. This is dumpling food that is actually made from tapioca flour as the main ingredient. But to make this food, many made with different types of additional material in the form of fish flesh. But we are going to try it this time instead of using the fish flesh but using chayote.
If you ever visit to Indonesia is sure you can easily find the cuisine of this one. This dumplings can be found in various areas both in cities and in villages. This food has taste delicious because it's a lot like. The texture is chewy and food served usually with extra peanut sauce.
To enjoy this meal we can come to Indonesia. If not we can also make your own food at home. We can use the dumpling recipes will be given here to guide the process of making the dumplings.
Ingredients needed for the recipe Lamb
Materials required not so much. This is the main ingredient in tapioca flour dumplings and fruit of chayote. In addition we also need broth, dried garlic, pepper powder and also the skin of dumplings. More details needed as follows.
- Chayote 400 grams, dividing, berishkan gum and a skin
- 100 grams of peeled shrimp, puree
- Chicken eggs 1 grains
- Tapioca flour 120 g
- 2 garlic cloves, finely chopped
- Ebi broth powder 1 teaspoon
- Salt to taste
- Bubu pepper 1 teaspoon
- 24 wonton skin sheets
- Bangkok Sambal to taste
If we want to feel the sensation of the typical cuisine of Indonesia then we can make this meal using just the ingredients listed above. If later we've tried then we can also customize the material so that it feels better suited the tastes of each. Now we see how the process of making the dishes.
How To Make Dumplings
To make the typical cuisine of Indonesia is not difficult. First we will make the dough like making a cake. After the dough is ready we will mengukusnya with a pot of steamed until cooked. More clearly making steps as follows.
- Chayote with grated cheese grater, squeeze and discard water chayote with shrimp, egg, tapioca flour and garlic. Mix well.
- Add other spices, mix until tercapur.
- Lay a sheet of skin dumplings in a small plastic bowl beroles oil. Fill with batter chayote.
- Heat a pot of steamed dumplings and pengukus for about 20 minutes until cooked. Lift.
- Serve Dumplings together chili sauce.
- To 24 fruits
First try the result may be less satisfactory. But the results processed its own hands will certainly have its own satisfaction. If possible, one day we can taste the homemade dumplings when we visited Indonesia. That's all in the past, hopefully this dumpling recipes can be our common reference.
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